Finding a home within the walls of my body is about the concept of feeling at home in combination with fear. What can a mental state of being do to your personality? I'm working on the themes of home and safety because I don't know this in myself yet. 'Home' is a vague and fluid concept that is interpreted differently by everyone. Why do you feel at home somewhere and what exactly does that mean?
I wanted to know what a home could be; a place, a person, a body, your own body? As I personally have a lot to do with anxiety and panic, I wanted to find out how this could influence the concept of home. In my daily life I noticed that there is a lot of recognition in this subject, but this is hardly talked about without it being seen as a 'pathetic/difficult' topic. I therefore try to break the taboos surrounding expressing fear and panic.
My images are a romanticization of fear and anxiety, which I wish it could be, but never will be. I see my work as poetic and therapeutic; it shows a kind of comfort. By exposing myself, I want to drop the curtain of this idyllic perfectionism. My work is a struggle between aesthetics and reality.

some pictures from the series